Saturday, June 27, 2009

Forty Six & 2


Mel said...

Now ya know I'm gonna haffta go do some research on Mr. Drunvalo Melchizedek...

It's just how I'm made. LOL

Mel said...

Oh sheeeeeshhhh...

Nevermind. *laughing*

Sometimes things fall out of my brain.
It's The Flower of Life!

I might need another cup of coffee. LOL

Enigma said...

hi guys, i thought this was cool!

Enigma said...

No, mel*laughing* it wasnt THAT bad, was it?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone
My name is Tom, Im 38 yrs old, living in Fort Worth, TX.

I'd love to make good close friends here.

Peace out.

Lavariver said...

This song changed my life. Literally. I left my abusive husband.