Thursday, April 3, 2008

Where its at.

Understanding men, and people in general is really simple, you just realize that you will never really know where someone else is at.

Why? Because you are not them. Its an impossibility to know fully and completely where someone else is at. Its that simple.

You can only know your ideas of them.

Understanding where you are at is the important thing, everything else naturally falls into place once this is worked out.


Mel said...

Thank you for broadening that to be inclusive of 'all people'.

I'm thinkin' it's a human being deal......which is why I'm glad I'm an alien. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Very true, but taken further becomes a little isolating and lonely, can there be moments of understanding, transient flickers of absorption in a mutual moment, too?

Iron Pugilist said...

That is one of the reasons why I am reluctant to tell someone "I know how you feel", because the truth is, I only have a vague idea of what it's like for that person.

We may have experienced the same ordeals, but we have our own thresholds.

Indiana said...

We all operate from our own place and our own experience, other people just do different things and we put our reasoning on them, but we are not always right for them...but we are right for us.

L.P. said...

LOL! I just basically said something similar on Wombie's blog. It all comes down to understanding ourselves doesn't it?
Everything else is supplimental input.

Paul has a good point too - i think those moments when we transcend ourselves - whether it's a moment shared with nature or another - that we feel all the more connected to who and what we are.

errr.... ignore me - i had a spurt of connectedness. It's passed. Kinda like gas. ~grin~

ozymandiaz said...

Hell, most people don't realize where they themselves are at much less anyone else. That fact, though, will not disuade most people from thinking they are in the minds of others.
I, on the other hand, am the great and powerful Ozymandiaz and I know, at all times, what everyone else is thinking and where they are at.
Right now, you are thinking I am full of shit.
Now bow to the superior intellect.

ozymandiaz said...

Yes, I do love the bomb
and I am definately into the whole bomb shelter world repopulation bit.
Who's gonna join me?

ozymandiaz said...

the last two comments have nothing to do with one another as the second comment is actaully supposed to be attached the the previous post comment string.

ozymandiaz said...

This comment has absolutely nothing to do with the previous three comments

ozymandiaz said...

not this one

Anonymous said...

You can only know your ideas of them, which are often your ideas of yourself. Oh well....very profound.....

L.P. said...

Ozy: LOL!
Small enclosed space with you? Umm... hell yeah.

Vi said...

I always wonder what it would be like to be able to be in somebody elses body, see what they see, think what they think, as we are all different.

Enigma said...

Mel, i dont think I explained what i meant with that very well, I may add something to it to try and clarify it.

Ginga, as mentioned above, i didnt explain it well.What i meant was, that to truly know something, you have to BE that something, otherwise we just no about it....and the clearer we get, the closer we can become to others.

Wise words IP:)

I think that is close to what i was awkedly trying to say Indie.

You have put your finger on it LP, by transcending ourselves, we forget what we think we are, the mind is stilled, and true closeness can enter in.
I am bascking in your spurt of connectedness, and holding my nose.

Ozzy, that is the heart of what i was trying to say, I was trying to avoid the "enlightenment "word, but when we are at one ,with "all that is" then we do know where everyone and everything else is at.
And Your wrong, I dont think your full of shit,I think your super duper aware.And I bow to the superior intellect.

I have 300 people on the waiting list for the bomb shelter.

This comment has nothing to do with the other one, it was suposed to be attached to the 3rd comment string.

Or this one.

This comment is not attached to anything either...floating, lost and alone.

ozzy, you crack me up.

Jo, its a basic premise of most philosophies that the world is just an outer reflection of our inner perceptions, so get the inner clear, and the outer follows, or thats the plan :)So by investigating your ideas of others, it can really open up hidden parts of ourselves.

Lp, being in a small enclosed space with ozzy would be fine, what would we do with you letting of those 'connectedness 'spurts though.?

Vi, I think you would find it not very disimilar, on a deeper level we all have the same needs, wants, desires....just packeged surfacly differant.

Midnight said...

You know for a woman you talk a whole lot of sense!

Enigma said...

Aw shucks Middy, thanks.

Anonymous said...

it's a seeing and being seen question, sometimes we fall into selfdeception and other people's opinion of who we are may be more accurate than our own,

Enigma said...

Ginga,the work I do, when i,m not blowing things all about what you said, seeing the truth in the others perception of you.i am useless at verbally describing the deeper things, so I leave it up to you, the amazing troupe to verbalize it for me.

Mel said...

<----gets paid to 'blow things up'.

But I think it's a different 'blow things up' than what you're referring to?

Enigma said...

Mel, so you too, huh?:)