Thursday, March 6, 2008

And Now for Something Completely Differant

This is one of my favourite songs.

The Words
Something has to change.
Un-deniable dilemma.
Boredom's not a burden
Anyone should bear.

Constant over stimu-lation numbs me
but I wouldn't want you
any other way.

It's not enough.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I don't want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.

Finger deep within the borderline.
Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
Relax, turn around and take my hand.

I can help you change
Tired moments into pleasure.
Say the word and we'll be
Well upon our way.

Blend and balance
Pain and comfort
Deep within you
Till you will not want me any other way.

It's not enough.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I don't want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.

Knuckle deep inside the borderline.
This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to.
Relax. Slip away.

Something kinda sad about
the way that things have come to be.
Desensitized to everything.
What became of subtlety?

How can it mean anything to me
If I really don't feel anything at all?

I'll keep digging till
I feel something.

Elbow deep inside the borderline.
Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
Shoulders deep within the borderline.
Relax. Turn around and take my hand.


Anonymous said...

What a bassline that is. Comes out of the earth, cathartic type music and the film clip is great. boombedoobeedomdom, sound sculptures, cool,

Mel said...

And the lyrics.....way cool!

Anonymous said...

The lyrics are great, I hate that so often lyrics are too repetitive, they are very good, I am going to listen to the song now...sorry, I did that the wrong way round (grin)

Anonymous said...

"I'll keep digging till
I feel something" is my favorite line.

Good music..good message!

May we all "keep digging"...

ozymandiaz said...

Stinkfist-awesome song
awesome band
lovin it

Enigma said...

Yeah , Ginga, I like the begginning, when the tension is building..and the clip is beautifully strange.

Mel , glad you like it.I wondered if people would get offended, and then thought"what the hell"

Jo I put the lyrics in as sometimes we dont hear them well on clips, and I love these words.I think you did it the right way round.

Gypsy, my mum said I can keep you! Yay!I,m getting the room ready.

Ozzy, tool, and NIN are some of my favoutite bands,

Anonymous said...

That is, well, "pain and comfort deep within you," you have a fox trickster spirit, you seem back there but you are actually up there, hmm, i will go look again, finger deep within the borderline? boompedoomdboom

nitebyrd said...

My son is a huge Tool fan. I have more of a simple mind and struggle with metaphors. This is one of the songs that I do like, though.

Enigma said...

Nitebyrd, my son tends to like slower, softer songs.he is a great classical music fan, which I find funny.

Ginga?Moi? A trickster? The name of the song sums up what its about, as Ozzy mentioned....I like tool because they break a lot of boundaries