Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Boys Will be Boys

I get woken up by my Mobile phone ringing at 4 AM this morning.
Now most people would be somewhat worried getting a phone call at that time of the morning, I am used to it as it is often our security company ringing to tell me our workshop alarm has gone off, (to which I respond, I'll fix it in the morning) or my ex, drunk, saying "Wotcha doin? Baby"(to which I respond, sleeping).

However this morning it was the call every mother dreads, "Hi , Ms Enigma, this is Mikey, there has been an accident ,Little Man is in the hospital".

I have a tendency to become super calm in the middle of a situation like this, so I just said "What happened? And how bad is it?"

The upshot is that he got plastered with his friends, tripped over going into the apartment building, and smashed through the plate glass door, cracking his head open on the concrete.

So Mikey puts LM on ,
"Mum" he says, "I've got a really bad headache." "You're a bloody idiot" , I say, in true loving mother fashion.
"I'll come to the hospital " I continue, "No, No ", he says, "They are stapling my head up, and I,ll be home in a minute."

So I get a nurse on the phone, see what the damage is, make myself a cup of tea and calmly wait for the immanent arrival of LM.

LM arrives about an hour later, totally drunk, covered in blood, with 5 staples in his head.
Now LM doesn't get drunk like this very often, which is a good thing, as I mentioned in another post , he is over 6 foot, very muscly, and when hes drunk he is a bit difficult to control.

So he comes in yelling at the top of his lungs, "Ive got metal in my head" over and over.
I,m trying to get him settled on the lounge, check the damage, mop up the blood, and give him some tablets, hes flailing around, yelling about the metal in his head.

I end up saying" Oh for Gods sake, shut up and lie down, and let me fix you up"

He subsides onto the lounge, I clean up the blood, and as I'm bending over him, I get the strangest feeling, my blood starts pounding in my ears, I think I'm going to throw up, and everything starts going dim ,"Oh God, I'm going to faint",I say.

LM starts yelling again, "Mum its not that bad, I'm O.K, don't be upset"

I rush to the bathroom, throw up, and sit with my head between my legs until its passes.
A shock delayed reaction I think.

So I come back, sit on the lounge and cradle my Little Mans head in my lap, and soothe him to sleep.

I don't talk about my son much, but he is the love of my life.
I raised him on my own from when he was 6 months old, and for a long time there was only him and I.
He was my only reason for living for a long time, and if something happened to him, I really don't know if I would survive it.

He is not just my son, but one of the finest human beings I have ever known, and I am blessed to have him in my life, as my family and friend.


L.P. said...

okay. now i feel like sitting here bawling. lovely posy Enigma.
you're so lucky to have each other.
When he gets the metal out of his head please slap him silly from me for scaring you. GeeZ! I can't imagine.

L.P. said...

that was post, not post. erck.

L.P. said...

i give up. fingers won't cooperate.

Enigma said...

Thanks petal, I was crying as i wrote that.I am lucky, he is super protective of his mum, and without sounding too Fruedian, has been the only man in my life I have been consitantly able to count on, and me with him.. I had him young, so we sort of grew up together.

The funny thing is,the gash in his head is straight down the middle of his hairline, so his hair may grow back white, his friend said he will look like a penis, and I told him he really will be a "dick head"

Ron said...

Yes...I agree with Lakota...wonderful post, Enigma!

There's something so beautifully spiritual about the bond between a mother and a son.

My biological mother died when I was only 6 years old. And while she was alive, we shared the most incredible "energy bond" that I've ever experienced. On some "level" it was as if I knew, that her time on this earth was going to be brief...and I was there to look after her. Even to this day (at 52)...I can still feel her loving energy surrounding me.

Thank you for this beautiful remembrance, my dear friend!

Enigma said...

Ron, i,m really sorry to hear you lost your mum so young, that must have been really hard on you growing up.Its lovely though that you can feel her around you.
Dont get me wrong, my son and i have a pretty independant relationship, but when the chips are down, both of us are there for each other.

Anonymous said...

Enigma, I have four boys. Young right now -- nine to 21 months, but I really and truly understand your humor and love for your son. So beautiful. Ali

Enigma said...

Ah, Ali of the beautiful blog, hello.4 boys, my god you must be busy, with kids that age.I admire the hell out of mothers that can cope and muti task like you.Nice to meet another mum.

Anonymous said...

Oh this post made me go all weepy too, what a great bond you two have.........I know just what you mean about the nearly passing out. When my son was a baby he cut his head open and I couldn't speak, literally lost the ability to speak I was so shocked, and when T broke his arm I threw up. Usually I'm so good in a crisis too...I hope he's feeling a lot better now. And big squeezies to you...... x

enigma said...

Thanks Jo, my reaction really suprised me, it came on really suddenly, he was very ill 2 years ago, got a virus that attacked his heart, i thought he was going to die...I did a lot of internal work on that, not sure how much it helped though. It did make me stop being over protective of him though. Its that mother thing we have talked about, and especially when they are little, your baby cutting his head open, what a nightmare... no wonder you couldnt speak,how bloody horrible.
LM seems to be O>K.I stayed home with him all day.he had concusion, was vomiting and dizzy ,but will be O>K
And Hugs to you, just because I feel like it.

Anonymous said...

Ouch. We all carry a few scars. He'll be laughing about it and boasting to his mates in no time. And I'm sure he knows how lucky he is to have you. Very loving post, beauty in the sadness.

Enigma said...

He already is boasting to his friendsabout it Ginga,LOL, I feel lucky to have him, he didnt have an easy time when he was young,it was difficult being a young mum alone.... and we have had a very strange life together.He has grown up into one of the strongest, yet gentlest individuals I have ever known, with a deep sense of self and integrity.

Mel said...

Well, I have a theory about getting them well before I kick their arses...

Wanna make sure they remember it, dangit. LOL

I'm one of those motherless children, like Ron. Which makes me a bit zealous in my parenting of the kiddos, methinks.....overcompensation, I'm sure.

I'm pretty sure I woulda threw up, too.......after the fact--cuz I'm good in the's afterwards that I get hit with that wave of 'omgomgomg!'.

*HUGE hugs*
And healing thoughts for LM!

Enigma said...

Mel, you make me laugh! I think he has suffered enough though, especially when the ambulance bill arrives.And i think we all overcompensate a bit, kids or no kids.
When he was 14 he rang up a $500 phone bill, on a sex site, his punishment was paying off the bill from his pocket money, and the hideous embarresment that i knew, i got heaps of milage out of it for a long time.

Vi said...

He's so lucky he didn't do anymore serious damage. And very lucky to have you as a mother.

ozymandiaz said...

I was torture on my mom being I was somewhat accident prone. And it wasn't all because of what I did, things just "happened" to me. Like I got run over by a horse pulling a boat while playing in our front lawn. Just sitting there doodling in the dirt and the next thing I know I'm rolled into the bushes with hoove marks and gashes all over. Mom pooped a hammer.
I was also run over by a 700 lb hog once. Fell out fo countless trees (some she didn't even know about). Bike wrecks, car wrecks, fell down stairs, got bit by all kinds of critters, just all manner of mayhem. Never broke a bone though. Not to this day.
Go figure.

savannah said...

just reading that made my heart jump, sugar1 i'm mom to 4 (3 men, 1 woman but that kind of call is every parents nightmare *hugs* i'm glad ya'll got through it ok!

Enigma said...

Vi, he is really lucky, it couldve been a lot worse,and thank you for your comment:)

Ozzy you are so funny,that comment cracked me up, so the poem on your front page is true. your poor Mum.

Thanks savvannah, it was a bit scarey(((hugs back))))

Anonymous said...

Go figure how the blog world works eh... you post that great poem, I yarn about a unlucky in life young lady, you tell me about the change in your life best marked by your young fella, and here you are sharing a yarn about him! Spinny isn't it?! ;-)

He's a lucky young fella E, and you sound like a lucky mum!

On another note - I found myself leaning into a car roof (correction - where the car roof and sun roof once had been) supporting a drunk driver's head on Tues night. The bugger nearly cleaned us up, coming towards us, where he lost it, flipped, landed in front of us and bounced across the road, back onto his tyres!

I was out of the car and first in this blokes cab - far out! Man... we were so lucky that night! So was he - he didn't kill himself... we kept him right until the ambos came! I left soon after... I was more worried about the XO and kids at home - bizarre!

I am pretty good with situations that require immediate action - in that I act first, and then ponder about it afterwards (good training I guess)... I usually manage quite well afterwards too normally.

But I couldn't begin to imagine how this will change when it's my boys I have to worry about... bloody frightening I'm sure! So much of you invested in that 'little' man of yours eh?! The lucky big bugger!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Please tell me I don't have to look forward to telephone bills and sex sites at 14.....only 7 more years and I've got two boys. Good on you for sticking to the punishment.

nitebyrd said...

Sons will definitely try a mother's love, patience and heart. But they are SO worth it.

I'm glad he'll be okay.

Enigma said...

Belli, I,m not sure if its a military thing, but a lot of my friends who were in the military seem to always be the first on the ground in hot spots.You are so lucky he missed you, what a week!!
I understand you worrying about your family at home, things like this really bring home the fragility of life.I seem to act first, and then faint later..very embarresing.
Its cliched, but i think a parent always worries a bit about their kids, no matter the age.Its a balancing act, in not being over protective, and letting them make their way in the world.
I am pretty lucky LM has never given me too much cause for concern.
Jo, it was really funny,i also sat him down and explained to him that the women he was talking to, didnt look like the ones advertised..that they were probably doing their ironing as they spoke to him.He actually is very gentlemanly with woman, he is the one thats always looking out for his girl friends safety, and the one they always ring in a crisis, so his phone thing was just a part of exploring. You have a lot to look foreward too.i am thinking about writing a post about the weirdness when you are a young mum, and your boy brings his first girl home.....and the problems being a young mum often created with his mates.(for me, that is)

Ta Nitebyrd, hes back in fine form already.

Midnight said...

Hey I'm still worrying the hell out of my mother even now! A son is for life and boy do we make you mother's work hard! One day he'll suddenly really appreciate everything you do for him.

Enigma said...

Thaks middy, I bet you were a bugger growing up!
he is pretty apreciative of me now, and tells often me in his blokey, macho way of his:)

The Exception said...

Oh, I do hope that he is okay. That phone call has to be very difficult to receive.

I can't imagine life without my daughter - and I hate it when she is hurting or ill. It is as if her pain is my pain.

Enigma said...

Hes fine now TE, thanks for your is a gut wrenching thing when their hurt.