Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mush Brain


I don't feel like doing anything,
my brain has turned to mush.

I have so much to do,
and I'm wading though
the slush and crush
of this Sundays hush.

Come on Brain,
do your thing,
Finnish that thesis,
give those people a ring.

Write that proposal,
don't make it antipodal
And remember to call Jenny
At The Weapons Disposal.

Stop talking to the cat
It doesn't have
a clue where your at.
Finnish building that site
or you ll be up all night.

Read through that script,
though its probably shit.
Who knows?Maybe one day
it will be a hit.

Organise that meeting
with Colonel Sweeting,
for some time next week
or well be up the creek.

Do the dishes, and the laundry too
and clean up the rest
of the messy cat poo.
Brush cut the lawn, don't you dare yawn,
there is so much to do
I'm counting on you.

"OH bugger off "
says my brain.
Your giving me a pain,
it will be done when its done,
Think I'll go and laze in the sun


Anonymous said...

Perfect Sunday, whoosh through the week and here we are, the weather is gorgeous, enjoy your nap,

Ron said...

Oh man, Enigma...this post is SOOO COOL, because it reminds me of a Dr. Seuss book!


I SO enjoyed the last bit...

"OH bugger off " says my brain. Your giving me a pain,
it will be done when its done,
Think I'll go and laze in the sun.

There you go, Enigma....

Enjoy your day in the sun!

Anonymous said...

Okay I read this as Brian first time (Mr Enigma) and thought blimey she's a bit of a mini dictator on the side....... GRIN. Sorry I just woke up and my eyes don't work too well the first half hour or so. Anyways, great poem but tiring life. Oh to be lazing in the sun, it's barely spring here.

Enigma said...

Jo, that is so funny...your probably thinking, God what a nag .Poor man "laughing"
No this is what I Enigma is the creative technical brains bit and i,m the bussiness bit..

And I'm the driven one..Mr Enigma is from Kentucky, and tends to be more laid back.
And as you can see, I am no poet ,haha

L.P. said...


Mel said...

Fuzzy ducky slippers, thanks. ;-)

And sunning seems like the righter thing to do.
Rest for the brain, dontchaknow!

<----still waiting for the sun to appear in this corner of the world

L.P. said...


Enigma said...

yes prinsess, shoes, you have started me looking at shoe pics all the time now, no wonder my brain is mush*wincing*
Mel, you have me dreaming of quilts, but i'm still finnishing of my last tapestry, lingerie, and sculpture.And the weather here is absolutly stunning.

Enigma said...

Actually folks, i do believe i,m going stark raving mad.All my differant personalities are currently at war with each other....not sure what the winner will get.

Enigma said...

Ron, I think i am terible at poetry, would love to be able to do it...but cant, but also dont really care, i'm excellant enough at other things for it not to worry me.It also reminded me of Dr zuess.

L.P. said...

i like old doc seussy.

now there's a reality tv show for you - someone's multi-personalities wagging war and and trying to take over with the confusion and fallout of those around her. Riveting. Funny. Explosive even, given what you do for a living. ~giggling~

ozymandiaz said...

Oh, I'm sure Emerson had days like this.

maybe not as MUCH to do, and probably never had to dispose of weopons, but a too much to do and no will to do it kind of day none the less.
Kentucky boy hugh? Does he have a stil?

Enigma said...

Lp, it would be a good reality TV show.....and my partner being a gemini just adds to the confusion, i like to ask him"and who are we today?"

Ozzy his family was famous for their stills, there is a town named after them...and hes still a hard livin, hard drinkin man

Anonymous said...

That's lovely, a few days ago you went to laze in the sun and you are still not back posting yet, the weather is amazingly beautiful, i am practicing the art of reverse stalking,

Anonymous said...

What sign are you? I'm an Aries (Pisces rising) and every time I read a description of Aries it is scarily similar to me (the pisces rising supplies all the imaginative, wishywashy stuff to make it me).

Enigma said...

Ginga, i have done another post, a rare personal one.reverse stalking, love it...but wouldnt that mean that you wouldnt be seen?

Jo, i never wouldve picked you as an aries,maybe a pisces actualy but then I do like Aries, i,m a virgo, with everything else in leo and scorpio, makes for a schitzo type of life.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have often read that your ascendant is more important and in many ways you are right, I'm very pisces, daydreamy, etc, love the sea, but I'm competitive and fiery like all ariens. And I wouldn't have had you as a virgo, probably a cancer. But I like virgos too, my dad was one.

Enigma said...

I am a virgo through and through..obsessive, compulsive, competitive, secretive, not what it seems. very difficult to read past the front, unless another being is hurting,.....
Aries -picses is a good mix, it softens the challenging aries..actually i shouldve picked you as an aries, as there is that innocent pure quality to you that all aries have.

Anonymous said...

childlike enthusiasm, yes, well picked, oh you are good at this. OCD and secretive, hey? They usually mean major success, yep. And the virgos I have known have been both loyal and loving, both wonderful qualities.

Enigma said...

I should be good at it, Jo, it was my career for 20 years before I had to take over the film biz...send me your email and I,ll 'show and tell"

And the aries i know have had more courage than anyone i know.

Anonymous said...

Oh yippee, email on its way

The Daily Magnet said...

Uhh - I have a bad case of it now...must work despite lack of brain function...