Monday, February 4, 2008

Return of the Fox

And its back.


L.P. said...

YAY! Grabs net...

Enigma said...

We need to sit down and have a good talk, LP, about your fetish for catching furry creatures,LOL.

L.P. said...

Blame Wombie, he's so cute and adorable that he got me hooked.

~diving for engima...

...landing on my face~

savannah said...

thanks for the link, sugar! ;-)

Mel said...

Awwwwww, but what a fox!

Enigma said...

LP your right, Wombie is cute, but as your finding out, I'm a slippery little sucker, LOL
Awwwmel Mel,I bet your cute and cuddle too.

Enigma said...

ps savvannah, nemo problemo:)

Anonymous said...

Heh, where did she go? Someone was here pretending to be you, perhaps it was your fourth tail looking for you?
or perhaps it was some trickster,

Enigma said...

You know the myth gingatao...the Kitsune pretends to be a woman, and you only see her tails when she is tired,or drunk aparently

me said...

Oh well, I still have my black skinnies ready :) Both are foxy pics and you were right, it's lovely to have an image of you to put the writing to.

ozymandiaz said...

Foxy lady...

Enigma said...

Narnie, I may do "guest apearances" LOL, in various parts of the world this I'll make sure my skinny blacks are ready.
Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy, oi..oi..oi.Crickey mate, thanks.
PS my nickname in RL is the Fox.