Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Thought For The New Year

The greatest risk for man is not that he aims too high and misses, but that he aims too low and hits."
- Michelangelo


Mel said...

What a wonderful thought to embrace in the New Year.
And revisit again and again and again.....

Enigma said...

Hi mel,I like to post things to remind myself of how to be.Thats why I love lurking on your blog, it inspires me.

The Exception said...

The other day my daughter informed me that she wanted to win no less than second place in a writing contest this spring.

No less than second? Why not aim for first?

She didn't want to be disappointed if she didn't win.

I had no idea what to tell her. She needs to learn to aim to be the best she can be... to reach for the highest point and expect the most from herself and her life.

Enigma said...

I don,t know, T E
my son was the same, I was always trying to motivate him to be a high achiever,but now that hes an adult, he seems to have worked it out pretty well, he does the slow, steady aproach.

Your daughter actually sounds very wise, and you have obviously taught her well about life, hope, disapointment,achieving...and it sounds like she has distilled the best from all of that and come up with her own philosophy...and at the end of the day, it really is about doing the best she can.

The Exception said...

That is our focus - the results are second to the performance - in that I mean, if she does her best and gives it her all... well, that means more to me than the outcome (grades, not winning etc)

I am fortunate that she has a good heart and is a well rounded child. We work hard on teaching her to have faith and confidence in herself... she will need that once peer pressure and such enter her life at full force!

Enigma said...

"I am fortunate that she has a good heart and is a well rounded child. We work hard on teaching her to have faith and confidence in herself... she will need that once peer pressure and such enter her life at full force!"
yes a strong sense of self is the best you can do, congradulations on raising such a child, I know its not easy sometimes.